
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garage Sale Dessert Table

My friend Nikole is always coming up with the most random requests for cupcakes and treats, but this one is my FAVORITE!!! Her husband is a big garage sale nut so she wanted to do a Garage Sale Themed Dessert Bar for his 30th Birthday! I had soooo much fun creating this table. The best part is I didn't have to buy any new pieces I just gathered up old appliances and random glass dishes, coffee cups and travel mugs, threw in some old vinyl records and a tortilla press for good measure and I was set! :) The possibilities are endless because anything goes at a garage sale.

The actual party took place in a dark restaurant so I set up a mock table so I could take some pictures to share. :)


  1. such a cute and clever idea! I will be sharing this on my blog tomorrow - please feel free to check it out!

  2. So creative! I would love for you to come link up at DIY Thrifty Thursday @

  3. I love the muppets album. This is hilarious...

    If you have a moment today, please share this with my readers @Creative Juice Thursday Hope to see yours among all the amazing projects!

  4. What a cute party! Love it! Specially the Harley fund!

  5. This is the cutest!!! and genius... i love the gumballs in the blender!
